Tuesday 3 May 2016

How to Avoid Furnace Repair During Renovation?

A lot of you might be unaware of this, but renovation can cause severe damage to your furnace. How do you feel when there is dust all around you? Your furnace is nothing different. A lot of dust leads to malfunctioning and makes you spend hundreds of dollars on furnace repair. This can be completely avoided. Here’s how! 

1. Close off the registers
Covering the registers would prevent the dust from entering into the system. Try to maintain the general environment in your house to let the HVAC system work. It is tough but try as much as you can.

2. Do the dusty jobs outside
Try to restrain the dusty jobs outside the house, maybe in the garage or backyard. This is an excellent way to avoid the problem of furnace damage due to renovation entirely.

3. Keep your home dust free
If you have to do some work inside, ensure that you clean your house regularly. Do it each day at the end of the day’s work.

4. Don’t use the furnace
At least try! The less you use it while the renovation work goes on, the better it is. This will prevent dust circulation inside the system and save it from damage.

5. Change the filter
This depends on how long the renovation work goes on. But we suggest you replace the furnace filter once the renovation process is over.

If the renovation project involved a lot of mess and dust and other small particles, the best thing we can suggest you is to get the furnace inspected by a furnace repair service for any faults. They will also clean up the entire system and hence there would be no additional damage caused to your system once the renovation work is over.

In case, you’re unsure where to find a reliable and affordable furnace repair service; we have a solution for that too. Samedaypros.com it is! It’s a website that can connect you with your desired on-demand service providers in just a few clicks.

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