Sunday 12 June 2016

5 Tips to Help you Clean Your House Better

 home cleaning glen burnie

Be it a professional home cleaner or a real home maker, this is a question asked by everyone - how to clean a house better? How to add efficiency and effectiveness to the chores that you have been handling since so long? How to improve and clean better?

By following these simple tips, you will be able to clean your house better in lesser time and with lower effort. The best part of these suggestions is that they don't require much effort from your side. All you need to do is remember them and follow them when required.

1. Put the things in the right place

While a lot of people suggest dusting to be the first step towards home cleaning, we believe it's not. You tend to skip some places that way. The first step to effective home cleaning is to pick up all the clutter and put the things at their proper designated place.

You must decide where each thing in your house should rest. Then each time you clean your house, first pick up the items that are not in their right place and do put them back. You will see that this simple step would make your home look much tidier even before you start actual home cleaning.

2. Dust the dust off

Now is the time to do the dusting. Dust off the window ledges, doors, tables and chairs. Use a microfiber cloth for this purpose for it can catch the minute dust particles that usually get dropped off with an ordinary fiber material.

3. Right sequence is necessary

It is vital to follow the right sequence to get best results. Start with step 1, then step 2 followed by cleaning the washrooms, kitchen and then vacuuming the house.

Cleaning the washrooms is the most underrated job. Homeowners tend to procrastinate or put this off until the end. But the earlier you get done with it, the better it is. Cleaning the washrooms first is, especially, important when you have some guests coming over or when you're preparing for a house party. This is going to be the most commonly visited place that has the maximum tendency to look shabby. So, give it some time and clean it properly.

Once you're done with the washrooms, head to the kitchen. Pick up the dishes and put them in the dishwasher and then wipe off the shelves. Clean off the kitchen floor. Then vacuum your entire house.

4. Start from top to bottom

This is the most shared but often forgotten tip to clean your house better. If you've two storeys in your house, start with the top one first. Even on the same floor, start with cleaning off things that have a bigger height. For example, when cleaning the kitchen, start with the kitchen shelf and then clean the floor.

This reduces the chances of you messing up the things you've cleaned before nd is an excellent way for organized home cleaning.

5. Be regular

It's never a good idea to collect a pile of dirt and clutter around your house and then sit back one day to clean it off. Try to focus on home cleaning as a daily to-do task rather than a weekly or bi-weekly task. Stop stuffing the extra stuff into a cupboard. Find a place for the stuff and always put them in the right place.

Staying regular will save you a lot of time and energy. It will also prevent you from procrastinating on this and stop considering this as a household chore. Home cleaning can be fun, only if you do it regularly.

We began with two most important but often skipped parts of home cleaning and then shared three very important lessons professional home cleaners share with their clients. Now that you know how to clean your house better make sure you don't forget to apply these techniques. The application is important.

Tell us if you think these tips will be helpful to you. And share if the answer is yes!

From Same Day Pros:

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