Tuesday 14 June 2016

Common Roof Problems

Flawed Flashing
Usually the flashing is made of heavy rubber or metals to prevent leaks in the pipes and at walls. Since it acts as the first line of defense from outside roof leak repairs, it is mandatory that you take enough time to install the flashing properly.

Gutter Buildup

Places surrounded with gutter buildup on your roof are ideal for the growth of mold and mildew.
Make sure to have gutter cleaning done at least once a year.

Shingle Damage

Shingles cover and protect the roof deck and keep the moisture away from it. Any damage to this protection can invite leaks and other related problems.

Damaged Soffits

Soffits are a good hideaway place for birds and other such creatures, squirrels in particular, to rest. Monitor soffits and do repairs whenever required to be sure that there are no enough spaces for birds, or other animals, to nestle in the cracks.


Not only does moisture from roof produce bad odor, it also encourages the growth of mold and mildew which can later infest the whole home.

From Same Day Pros: http://bit.ly/1XnA68x

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