Tuesday 14 June 2016

Different Methods Of Drain Cleaning

Chemical Drain Cleaners
Chemical drain cleaners can be in solid or liquid form that are readily available through hardware stores, though some (primarily acidic ones) are intended for use by licensed plumbers.

Handheld Drain Augers

These are typically designed to clean portions of a drain within 25 ft of the drain opening. The cable of a handheld drain auger is driven into a drain by the mechanical force created when the operator rotates a drum that anchors the cable.

Air burst Drain Cleaning Company Names

This method is a use accelerated carbon dioxide, air or other gas to rupture the clog membrane. Accelerated gas creates a force on standing water that can dislodge clogs that accumulate close to drain openings.

Home Remedy Drain Cleaners 

This is for the DIY homeowner. This method includes boiling water poured into drain openings to clear soap and hair clogs; or, baking soda poured into a drain, followed by vinegar.

Hydro Mechanical Drain Cleaning

This method uses high-pressure water to break up obstructions and flush these smaller particles down the drain

Electric Drain Cleaners 

These are also called plumber's snakes, use the mechanical force of an electric motor to twist a flexible cable or spring in a clockwise direction and drive it into a pipe. Electric drain cleaners are commonly available with cable lengths of up to 25 feet or longer.

Sewer Jetters 

This is composed of a controlled high-pressure water source through a flexible high pressure line of up to hundreds of feet in length and a nozzle that uses hydraulic force to pull the line into sewer drains, clean the sides of pipes, and flush out residue.

From Same Day Pros: http://bit.ly/1UMYYmN

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