Monday 22 August 2016

Lawn Care and Gardening chores for fall

Lawn Care

Forget all the disappointments of the summer season and step into the new season with new hopes and excitement. Lawn care is such a fulfilling task, and it gets better when you do the right things at right time. 

Fall is a season that gives you a chance to fix the wrong things and just make a new beginning. Many may object for there are those pessimistic people who will wait for the next summer to make things right but the wiser ones will follow this list and get started. 

1. Harvest all the summer crops
If you had planted crops in your garden, which you should if you have a huge yard and want to save on water and lawn care expenses, then it’s time to harvest the crops. You should begin the task at the beginning of the August but then the real time of harvesting also depends on when you sowed the seeds in the first place. Keep that in mind and use your sense of judgment to perform this task when the crops are ready for harvesting.

2. Plant the fall crops
Once you’re done with harvesting, you need to plant the fall crops. Pick the plants wisely and plant them on time. Don’t put off this task till late or you’ll regret it later. 

3. Fertilize your lawn
An essential lawn care step is fertilization, and it will be highly dependent on the climate of your area and the kind of grass. If you have warm season grass, skip this step. But if you have cool season grass, you need to buy those fertilizers called “winterize fertilizers” and fertilize your lawn during October and November. The time may still vary and hence it is a good idea to consult a reputable garden center to find out exactly when you should fertilize the lawn. It’s critical as this task will prepare your lawn for the spring. 

4. Clear and mulch the garden
Mulching is a necessary lawn care step, and you should do it while making your garden off the harvested crops and mowing the lawn. 
You might also want to consider using cold frames and constructing hoops. All these steps will prepare your lawn for the onset of winter.

5. Switch off the automatic watering system or alter it
It is the best thing to do to turn off automatic watering system after summer. You will need to water your lawn less often now, and it’s best that you don’t overwater your lawn. Consult a lawn care professional on how many times you need to water the garden if you’re very new it. The reason behind this is that different kinds of grass have different water requirements.

If all of this seems to be a very overwhelming task, just hire a lawn care service. You can easily find the trusted service providers near you using Same Day Pros.

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