Monday 22 August 2016

What to do if your drain clogs?

Drain Cleaning Service

A clogged drain is a nightmare that can hit you anytime, especially when you are not prepared for it. Suppose, you have some guests coming over, and your bathroom lavatory clogs up, or your kitchen sink is full of dirty water because it can't find it’s way out, what would you do? Call your plumber? That’s a good idea if you have time on your hands. But, what if the plumber is not available? Or your guests are just about to arrive, and you don't have a chance to call the plumber? Too many questions? Don't be afraid; we are here to answer them for you. 

You might have heard about some highly advertised commercial drain cleaning products and how effective they are. Surely, anyone would be tempted to use them to unclog the drain before trying anything else. But, we would advise you NOT to make that choice. There are many cases in which using these strong drain cleaning products is the only option, but let’s just leave that decision to the experts and start with the basics.

Why do drains clog?

While solving any problem, the first step is to find it’s cause. So before discussing drain cleaning, let's talk about why do drains clog at first place? The answer is very simple, misuse of drains. It’s very simple when something goes down the drain, that is not supposed to go down, it gets clogged. Now that 'something' depends on the place of clogging. In the kitchen, small food particles and grease/oil are the main reason for clogging. In a bathroom, hair, paper and soap scum are the main culprits. Some other objects like a toy, bottle cap, etc. could also be the reason for drain clogging, in which case, a drain cleaner is not going to help you. 

Assuming that you have identified the problem, and it isn't a foreign object like a toy, start with locating the clog. Remove the stopper or strainer or anything you can reach to open the drain thoroughly, and pour hot water down the drain. If that doesn't work, try using a plunger, followed by plumbing snake, or auger. If none of it works, get the drain cleaner.

Drain Cleaners

Before going all Terminator on the clog with strong acidic cleaners, try using some home remedies for clearing clogs.

The most common is the baking soda and vinegar combo. Pour in equal quantities of baking soda and vinegar into the clogged drain, wait for 20 minutes, and then pour in hot water. This would work only on minor clogs.

Then come the chemical drain cleaners which generate heat to dissolve the clogging substances and clear the drains. There are different types of chemical cleaners like acidic cleaners, oxidizing drain cleaners, caustic drain cleaners, etc. The negative point of using chemical cleaners is that they are extremely toxic in nature and are very harmful to you, as well as the environment, if not used as directed. They generate heat which may also soften the pipes made of PVC. Use proper equipment and protection while using chemical cleaners and keep children and pets away.

Prevent Clogging

Wouldn't it be better if you don't let drains clog in the first place? Yes, obviously! So here are some tips to prevent drain clogging:

Don’t dump food or grease in the drains.
Keep sink stoppers and strainers in place and clean them regularly.
Use enough water while grinding food scraps in your garbage disposal.
Don’t flush paper products down the toilet.
Pour hot water, 2-3 times a month, down your drains to clear off any grease, oil or soap scum.

Was this article helpful? We hope it was. For more information on drain cleaning check out SameDayPros. Our professional drain cleaning provide same day services and are there 24x7 to help you and guide you.

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