Monday 22 August 2016

Should You Use Liquid Drain Cleaners For Drain Cleaning?

Drain Cleaning Service

What do you do when you figure out that you have a clogged drain? A quick fix which all of us might have used at least once or multiple times in our day to day life is picking up a liquid drain cleaner from the local supplies store and using it. They usually work. What harm can such a thing do to the plumbing? 

Not only it harms your plumbing but also it conspires into a bigger expenditure than you can imagine. Learn more about the risks associated with the use of liquid drain cleaners in this post.
Here’s a disclaimer: This might not be true for all the liquid drain cleaning Annapolis but it is certainly possible, and it has been happening quite often. So, you should know about it.

1. Liquid drain cleaners are often ineffective in fixing major clogs
The caustic cleaners are pretty efficient in removing a minor clog, but that’s where their power ends. A major clog is often a result of a neglected use of plumbing and drains. A professional drain cleaning glen burnie service would be the only power to help you in the situation of a major clog. So, if you use your liquid drain cleaner once, and it doesn’t work at all, you know what you need to do next.

2. Drain cleaners are reactive and must be used with caution
Drains are the worst nightmares for homeowners. There’s so much that can go wrong with those. If you recently moved into a new house or rented an apartment, read this point twice. The chemicals existing in the drain may react with the new drain cleaning solutions you use and result into harmful fumes. Such reactions can also cause damage to the pipes and even you. Never use a liquid drain cleaner when you’re not sure if some corrosive chemical was used before.

3. Drain cleaners pollute groundwater
It’s an obvious thing which happens every day. The chemicals seep through the pipes and get absorbed by groundwater, causing ground water pollution. Such chemicals are also a major cause of concern during sewage treatment. They are pure pollutants unless you specifically look for green drain cleaners that are rare at present.

4. Low-quality drain cleaners cause long lasting troubles
Have you ever done that thing of pouring a whole bottle of the cleaning solution into the drain just to get rid of that stubborn clog? Congratulations! You landed yourself close to lots of trouble and expenditure. Too much use of these chemicals can cause damage to your house’s structure. It happens when the pipes get corroded due to excessive chemicals and then the chemicals reach the flooring of your house.

All of these problems happen due to inadequate drain cleaning. Whenever you’re dealing with a tough clog, you should call a drain cleaning service rather than turning your house into a chemistry lab. Finding such service providers is easier than never before due to Same Day Pros. No excuses this time, or you’ll have to pay much more than you’re trying to save! 

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